Let’s face
it Facebook has come a very long way from when it first originated back in
2004. That year was the simplest time for this ever-popular and ever-growing
social media platform. We now have a timeline for all of our past posts and the
ability to customize our page to our taste. You now have the opportunity to
tell your entire brand story by using the equivalent of “Life Events”, featured
content and of course the well-received Cover Image.
Back in 2004 Facebook ads were non-existent where as now
they are popping up left right and center. They may be annoying but it’s a
great marketing tool to get your brand established, since Facebook has more
than 1.5 billion users! The Newsfeed is also a lot more organized and you can
interact more with what your friends are liking on other social media
platforms. A big step for Facebook has been when they bought out Instagram in
2012 for $1billion! Instagram has made the movement towards mobile instead of
web where content is just a fingertip away rather than a click.
The user is
now in control, you can now chat with your friends, and group your
conversations. Overall communication is a heck of lot easier and you can stay
in touch with your loved ones much better. The only thing that is constant with
Facebook is that it is ever evolving and changing. What are your thoughts on
the recent changes of Facebook? What changes would like to see for 2014?
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