Friday, 8 February 2013

Meet Monique!

If you Google me, you'll find my blog, which will link you to my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Vimeo and YouTube channels. I've been a part of the social media revolution since 2004. My Myspace page was totally tricked out and when you loaded the page, The Tragically Hip's 'Springtime in Vienna' would start playing. Ever since those early days of social media, I've been taking part in the conversation, connecting and engaging with people from all over the world. You can imagine how excited I am to be Cruise Media Group's newest Social Media Strategist and Videographer!

It wasn't until my time at Brandon University and Red River College, studying business and communications respectively, did I realize the power of social media. It has not only become a new means of communication- it is THE means of communication. The point where creativity and strategy intersect and creates content that engages the targeted audience is so exciting to me and I always get a thrill when there is an immediate two-way communication from across the world. From time to time I'll get comments on my Instagram photos from people all over the globe and it always brings a big smile to my face.

I like to think that I've been handed down some strong creative communication genes. Growing up, my dad worked as a freelance photographer and was the editor of a newspaper. We had a dark room in the basement and since I was a little girl, I got to play around with the process of creating captivating images. We still laugh about how I've now followed in his footsteps.

I'm so excited to be a part of the Cruise Media Group team! We're a fun, energetic bunch. It's nice to hear laughs echo throughout the office and there's a positive vibe that floats in the atmosphere. Right up my alley!

You can find out more about me on my personal website, connect with me via  LinkedIn, and follow me on Twitter!

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