Thursday, 6 September 2012

The Power Of The Pin - For Business!

At first we at Cruise Media Group were hesitant "pinheads."  Understand that working in the business of Social Media means that we hear about "the next Facebook" every other week.  We usually wait a few weeks to see if things stick before we invest any of our time or resources into it (cough cough Google+)  After a few months Pinterest become un-ignorable.  Mashable and all the news outlets were blowing up about it, in addition to several of our clients became interested in exploring its use for their business. With 10.4 million users since inception, Pinterest became the fastest growing Social Media site in history.

Pinterest took one of the most dynamic and engaging elements of Social Media (photos) and built an entire network centered around sharing and posting them.  Pinterest has succeeded in ways that Flickr & Tumblr don't because it has made it easy for ANYBODY to share pictures. You don't have to be a photographer or a creative type to enjoy a picture of a new lasanga recipe or 124 ways to use a mason jar crafts.  Pinterest is purposeful because the pictures being pinned are often things people can buy, make or learn from.

One of the most powerful tools of Pinterest is the "Pin" button that you install on the toolbar of your browser.  This enables you to pin any image found anywhere on the web.  If you like those Marc Jacobs boots - pin em', that poster of the mischievous little kitten hanging from a tree - well, you know what to do!
Before Pinterest how would we have ever made
this Mason Jar Chandelier??

So how does this help your business?  Well Mr.Retailer,  you know that white leather sofa you have featured on your website, or that skirt, or those vitamins?  Chances are if you put that picture up a "pinhead" might just stumble upon it while searching #sofas #fashion #healthproducts.  If you have a product that people can buy - pin it!

We didn't forget about you Mr.Service Provider.  You may not have a tangible product that you can use, but I'm sure you know alot about your industry and your job. A hair salon could pin things like "10 ways to braid your hair", or a Financial company can pin an infographic showing currency comparisons around the world.  What you sell to your clients is knowledge and expertise - so be a provider of educational, interesting and helpful material for them!

The proof is in the "pin" with research companies offering statistics such as "Pinterest users spend 70% more money than visitors referred from non-social channels. Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors from other social networks, including Facebook & Twitter.  They'll also spend 10% more."

For more analytical (but just as fun) info about Pinterest check out the articles below, and if you want to get "Pinning" for your business give us a call or email!

Pinterest Stats

Pinterest Legal Info

By Jenna, Marketing Manager

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