Once Sapong a Time, a dashing young lady by the name of Kirah Sapong graduated Red River College's intensive two-year Creative Communications program only to discover that she was in the exact industry she belonged in. Unlike some of those other dispiriting tales of "I-went-to-college-and-all-I-got-from-it-was-this-t-shirt," she developed a wide variety of media savvy skills ranging from social media strategy to journalistic writing to graphic design to video production to web development.
She joined the good folks at Cruise Media Group because 1) they were kind enough to welcome her aboard and 2) she saw the passion, drive, fun, and competency they were able to deliver their products and services with. She knew she had to be a part of it.
Now, she's totally on deck with pretty much every social media platform and she thinks you should be too. There are three reasons for that: 1) Social media makes businesses money, 2) she likes making businesses money, and above all 3) she wants to see her city grow and stay totally on top of the freshest digital media trends.
Here's a few other things that make her thrive:
- Stylish writing and researching
- Drawing, painting, and making art in general
- Learning guitar so she can be cool like her friends
- Print, web and digital design
- Video production (everything from conceptualizing to scripting to final editing)
- Geometric patterns
- Everything that is technology and/or has a button on it (including fancy blouses)
- Friendly people
She also adores it when strangers (and friends) send their greetings. Find her on Twitter or LinkedIn.
NOTHING beats geometric patterns and buttons